A red exotic flower
She is free and at ease
When the sun is shining
White butterflies dance around her
When the rain wets her face
The sound of people’s footsteps getting closer and closer to her
A red exotic flower
She is free and at ease
When the clicking camera took a photo with her
She shyly showed her white teeth
When the child happily picks off a flower and puts it on the braided head
She endured the pain and fulfilled the carnival of the world
A red exotic flower
She is free and at ease
When dolphins appear on the golden sands
She bent over
Trying to understand the past and the present on another side
When the green hills bring a flock of sheep and white horses
She calmly welcomes new friends from afar
A red exotic flower
She is free and at ease
When the smoke stacks from the train hangs in the sky
She is full of curiosity
The sparks of shouting burst out again
When old people fall in love with bright colors
She left the soil
Go with the wind


^The Article of Nature^