“Three Guys”

Mum: Sol, Do you like playing piano?
Sol: Mum, I don’t think I like it.
Mum: Really?
Sol: Yes, because it’s very noisy.
Mum: Really?
When mum plays the piano, Do you like it?
Sol: So so~
Mum: What do you like to do?
Sol: I like to play football.
Mum: Amazing!
Do you watch football?
Sol: Yes, but I want to play.
Mum: When we go out I can play football with you.
Sol: Thank you, mum
May I ask your question?
Mum: Of course, I am listening.
Sol: I want to invite dad to play piano with us.
Mum: Why?
Sol: Because I worry dad will feel he is left out.
Mum: Good idea!
I will tell your dad.
Sol: Mum, You are so kind and generous.
Mum: Sol, you are mum’s best friend.


^The Article of Nature^