Slowly opened my eyes from the eastern sun,

Peeled off sweet dreams from childhood memories,

And felt the coolness of the morning light from the cheers of birdsongs.​

At this moment, linger with me,

At this moment, feel encouraged with me,

At this moment, walk with me.

​When the cracks on the fingers are getting bigger little by little,

Those eyes that are full of spirit but not humorous light.

when the pink skirt and blue short sleeves are hanging under the railing in the yard,

At that time, the sky has become our common dialogue.

​Today is destined to become a special Saturday.

Today is destined to affect the sending of flowers.

Today is destined to enlighten the worries of a group of friends.​

The temple and the knights are already waiting for us,

The holy grail and the crown break free from the classics of mountains and seas,

Hardships and hopes lead a generation of great men,

And the world has changed the operation of the economy,

But we forget that obtaining is a kind of encouragement and survival .


^The Article of Nature^