“Do Do Do”

《嘟嘟嘟 嘟嘟嘟》

长安哪 秦始皇兵马俑在梦里游行

黎明时分 鸡叫鸭飞于南天门

蒲公英在空中飘舞 地下弯要的农民在播种着玉米

半圆的图纸 三角的画家

哒 哒 哒
哒 哒 哒
打结后的黑发 送走了我们的花朵

嘟 嘟 嘟
嘟 嘟 嘟
那日告别 来去如风

“Do Do Do”

Where in Chang’an, Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi huang parade in a dream

At dawn, roosters crow and ducks fly over South Heaven’s Gate

Dandelions are flying in the air, farmers in the lower corner are planting corn

Semicircle Drawings, Triangle Paintings
Makes everyone say hello
Maybe it’s the gray Prajna Paramita

Da da da
Da da da
Knotted black hair sent away our flowers

Do do do
Do do do
Farewell that day, come and go like the wind


^The Article of Nature^